19 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba


                                                          ( ARMOLİA – PİRGİ – MESTA )
Saat 09:00’da pasaport ve check – in işlemlerimiz için Ulusoy Çeşme Limanında buluşuyoruz. 09:30’da hareket eden feribotumuzla yaklaşık 40 dakikalık keyifli bir deniz yolculuğundan sonra Sakız Adası’na varıyoruz. Pasaport işlemlerinin bitiminde limanda bizi bekleyen otobüsümüze geçiyor ve turumuza başlıyoruz.
Sakız Adası şehir merkezinden başladığımız turumuzda, adanın güneyindeki 14’ncü yüzyıldan kalma ve Ceneviz ailelerinin de bulunduğu aristokrat kesimin yerleşim yeri olan ve içerisinde narenciye bahçeleri bulunan konakları görerek Mastihahoria’ya (damla sakızı köyleri) varıyoruz. Bu köyler damla sakız üretiminin yapıldığı orta çağdan kalma köylerdir. İlk durağımız Armolia köyü. Köyde seramik yapımı oldukça yaygındır ve ada ile özdeşleşmiş seramikten hediyelik eşyalar satın alabileceğiniz birçok atölye bulunmaktadır. Buradan sonraki durağımız, adanın en büyük ortaçağ köyü olan ve aynı zamanda mimarlık açısından en ilginç örneklerin olduğu Pyrgi Köyü. Yol boyunca ilerlerken sakız ağacını inceleme fırsatını da değerlendirebilirsiniz. Pyrgi, "travaka" denilen piramit şekilli çatıları ve "Ksista" denilen cephe süslemeli evleri ile ilgi çekicidir. Bu süslemeler, siyah ve beyazın başkalaşmasıyla yapılan bir cephe sıvama tekniğidir. Köyün sokaklarında yürüyüş yaparken, önemli tarihi anıtlarından Bizans dönemine ait Kutsal Havarilere adanmış Agion Apostolon Kilisesi gezebilirsiniz. Köyün meydanında bulunan kahvehanelerde ve kafeteryalarda kısa bir  moladan sonra adanın en turistik köyü olan ve labirent gibi sokaklarıyla  ünlü Mesta’ya varıyoruz. Köyün dar sokaklarında dolaşarak Taksiarhon kilisesini görüyoruz. Buradan tekrar yola çıkıp Mesta’nın sahili olan Mesta Limanına geliyoruz ve sahilde öğle yemeğimizi aldıktan sonra merkeze dönmek üzere otobüslerimize geçiyoruz.
Sakız Adası şehir merkezine dönerken Emporio kıyı yerleşimini ziyaret edebiliriz. Mavra Volia denilen plajı, denize koyu bir renk veren siyah çakıl taşları nedeniyle eşsizdir. Denize doğru baktığımızda, solda şuan pasif olan Psaronas yanardağının patlaması sonucu volkanik lavlardan oluşmuş çakılla kaplı Emporios plajını görebilirsiniz. Çeşme’ye dönecek misafirlerimizi geri dönüş için Sakız limanına diğer misafirlerimizi de kalacakları otellerine bırakarak turumuzu sonlandırıyoruz.

                                                      ( VRONDATOS - KARDAMYLA – LAGADA )
Saat 09:00 da pasaport ve check-in işlemlerimiz için Ulusoy Çeşme Limanında buluşuyoruz. 09: 30 da hareket eden feribotumuzla yaklaşık 40 dakikalık keyifli bir deniz yolculuğundan sonra Sakız Adası na varıyoruz. Pasaport işlemlerinin bitiminde limanda bizi bekleyen otobüsümüze geçiyor ve turumuza başlıyoruz. Vrondatos sahil şeridi boyunca kuzeye doğru ilerlerken, adanın modern mimarisinin güzel örneklerini oluşturan evlerini görebilirsiniz. İlk durağımız Daskalopetra yani Öğretmen taşı. Antik çağlardan beri varlığını sürdüren doğal bir kayalık olan bu yerde Homeros un etrafına toplanmış öğrencilerine dersler verdiğine inanılır.

Daha sonra Kardamyla ya doğru yola çıkıyoruz. Yunanistan ın önde gelen denizcilerinin büyük bir kısmını bu köyden geldiği bilinmektedir. Kardamyla nın sembolü olan Kardamyla denizci heykeli köyün limanı olan Marmaro dadır. Marmaro da kısa bir kahve molasından sonra öğle yemeğimizi alacağımız Lagada ya gitmek üzere toplanıyoruz.

Lagada adanın en güzel koylarından birinde yeni yeni kurulan bir balıkçı köyüdür. Köyün adı, zeytin ağaçlarıyla dolu küçük bir ova ile deniz kıyısına doğru açılır geniş bir vadi arasında kurulmuş olmasından geliyor. Deniz kıyısı boyunca taze balık, deniz mahsulleri ve yerel lezzetler sunan birçok geleneksel tavernalar var. Yemeğimizi aldıktan sonra Çeşme ye dönecek misafirlerimizi geri dönüş için Sakız limanına, diğer misafirlerimizi de kalacakları otellerine bırakarak turumuzu sonlandırıyoruz.


Saat 09:00 da pasaport ve check-in işlemlerimiz için Ulusoy Çeşme Limanında buluşuyoruz. 09: 30 da hareket eden feribotumuzla yaklaşık 40 dakikalık keyifli bir deniz yolculuğundan sonra Sakız Adası na varıyoruz. Pasaport işlemlerinin bitiminde limanda bizi bekleyen otobüsümüze geçiyor ve adanın merkezinde yapacağımız turumuza Sakız Kalesi nden başlıyoruz. Ceneviz, Venedik ve Osmanlı dönemi izlerini taşıyan kaleyi rehberimiz eşliğinde geziyoruz. Vunaki Meydanı ( Platia Plastira ) ve Dimotikos Kipos da (Halk Bahçesi) gezintiye çıkıyor ve Sakız ın halk kahramanlarının heykel ve büstlerini görüyoruz. Vunaki Meydanı nın yakınında bulunan Sakız ın Osmanlı yapılarından olan Melek Paşa Çeşmesi ni, Hamidiye Çeşmesi ni ve Mecidiye Camisi ni ziyaret ettikten sonra Sakız şehir merkezinden batıya doğru yolculuğumuza başlıyoruz. Yaklaşık 6 km sonra, kaynak suları, iklim ve güzel bir görünümü ile ünlü Karies e geçiyoruz. Kısa bir köy turundan sonraki durağımız, Nea Moni Manastırı. Sahip olduğu freskler ile Bizans sanatının en önemli örneklerinden biri olarak kabul edilir. 11. yüzyılda kurulmuş olan manastır UNESCO nun Dünya Kültür Mirasları arasında yer almaktadır. Günümüzde de dini işlevini sürdüren Manastır hakkında bilgi aldıktan sonra bir sonraki durağımız olan Anavatos a doğru yola çıkıyoruz. Sakız Adası şehir merkezine 16 km uzaklıkta olan ve Ege denizinin hayalet şehri olarak kabul edilen ortaçağ köyüdür. Köy, kayalık bir tepe üzerine inşa edilmiştir. Doğal yapısı ile başlangıçta korsanlık döneminde batı kıyıları kontrol etmek için savunma nedenleriyle inşa edildiği düşünülmektedir. 1822 de boşaltılan köy Mardin evleri ne benzetilmektedir.

Anavatos tan sonra küçük taş evleri ve köy meydanındaki kilisesiyle bir ortaçağ köyü olan Avgonima yla turumuza devam ediyoruz. Öğle yemeğini geleneksel bir restoranda aldıktan sonra Çeşme ye dönecek misafirlerimizi geri dönüş için Sakız limanına diğer misafirlerimizi de kalacakları otellerine bırakarak turumuzu sonlandırıyoruz.

                                               Öncelikle belirtmemiz gerekir ki Adalara Vizesiz seyahat maalesef mümkün değil.
 Yeni Uygulamayla ancak Adalarda ( Midilli – Sakız – Samos – Kos – Rodos ve Meis ) vize alabilme imkanı sağlanmaktadır.
Pasaportunda Schengen vizesi olmayıp, Adalara Gitmek isteyen Türk vatandaşları için gerekenler;

1-    En az 3 ay geçerliliği olan, 2 sayfası boş olan ve üzerinde K.K.T.C.  giriş damgası olmayan bir pasaport.
       2-  Schengen Vize Başvuru Formu doldurularak fotoğraf ve pasaport fotokopileri ile birlikte seyehatten 36 saat önce acentamıza başvurmak.
       3-    Kesin seyahat tarihleri belirtilmiş feribot bileti ( Open olmayacak ) ve ücreti ödenmiş, giriş ve çıkış tarihleri belli otel rezervasyon konfirmesi. ( Acentamızdan temin edilebilir ) Günübirlik gidişlerde otel rezervasyonu aranmayacaktır.
       4-    Aileleriyle seyahat edecek 12 yaşa kadar olan çocuklardan herhangi bir vize ücreti alınmayacaktır. 
       (Yunanistan Kapı vize ücreti kişi başı : 50.-€ dur. (35.-€ Sakız Adası Gümrüğüne girişte ödenecek, 15.-€ Acente vize takip ücreti, acentamıza ödenecektir.))
       5-    Giden yetişkin kişiler yanlarında 5 güne kadar minimum 300 Euro, sonraki her gün için ise 50 Euro bulundurmalıdır. (Limiti belirtilmiş bir Kredi kartı da olabilir.) Schengen Vize Başvuru Formu

                  -      En az seyahatten 36 saat önce tüm bu evrakların acentamıza teslim edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bizde vizenizin siz gitmeden hazır olması için evraklarınızı önceden Adaya      gönderip onayını alacağız. Sizler de seyahat günü Sakız limanında fazla beklemeden vizenizi alabileceksiniz.  
-       Vize 15 gün içinde olmak kaydıyla iki girişli olacak ve bilet ve otel rezervasyonunuzun belirtildiği günler için geçerli olacaktır. Vize süresini geçirirseniz 600 Euro cezası vardır.

Belli bir tarih için tüm bu işlemleri yapan kişilerin mutlaka adaya gitmeleri gerekmektedir. Eğer bir şekilde gidemezler ise başka güne erteleme ya da iade almaları mümkün değildir. Tekrar vize başvurusunda bulunsalar bile uzun süre bekleyebilirler

  ÇEŞME      VARIŞ   

NOT: Feribot Seferleri; Hava şartları, Feribot arızası, Grev vs. gibi şartlar yüzünden değiştirilebilir ya da iptal olabilir. Kesin rezervasyon ve bilgi için lütfen acentamızla irtibata geçiniz.. 

                  ÇEŞME – SAKIZ ADASI ( CHIOS ) 2013           FERİBOT FİYAT LİSTESİ
Kişibaşı Tek Yön : 20.-€ ( 50.-TL )
Kişibaşı Gidiş Dönüş : 25.-€ ( 63.-TL )
ARAÇ KATEGORİSİ               
         TEK GİDİŞ   
Araba ( 4,25 metreye kadar)
Araba ( 4,25’ten büyük )
Minibüs – Karavan ( 5mt. Kadar )
Minibüs – Karavan ( 5mt. Fazla )
Motor ( 250 cc’den büyük )
Otobüs ( 12 mt. fazla )
 0 – 6 yaş çocuk ÜCRETSİZ, 7 – 12 yaş arası % 50 indirimlidir. 

Cabin Charters in Turkey

Cabin Charter

Weekly Cabin Charters

Air-conditioned Cabin Charters

Short Cabin Charters


Bodrum-Gokova-Bodrum Weekly Cabin Charter

Bodrum-Gokova-Bodrum Cruise Itinerary

1. Day :
Embarkation to the Gulet. The first overnight in Bodrum harbor provides a gentle introduction to the Gulet and your traveling companions. Dinner on Board.
2. Day :
Departure after breakfast. First stop by Karaada. The Island is famous for its hot springs and dark caves which you can swim into. After lunch, across the Gulf today we continue to the marvelous natural harbor of Cati, a lovely bay surrounded with pine trees on the south coast of the Gulf. Overnight in Cati.
3. Day :
Sail to Seven Islands – always a popular choice, plenty of pine-clad secluded bays and coves to investigate. You will spend the rest of day by swimming if you wish by walking through the storax ( liquid-amber ) and pine forests. Overnight in Kufre.
4. Day :
After breakfast, a short cruise will bring us to Longoz bay. In the afternoon we arrive in Karacasogut. This small village is only 25 km away from Marmaris. Overnight in Karacasogut.
5. Day :
A short voyage to Sedir Island. Known also as Cleopatra’s Island – rich in myths as in beauty – the legendary white sand is said to have been brought in from Egypt by Marcus Anthonius as a wedding gift for Cleopatra. Departure to English harbour-made famous for sheltering World War-1 British torpedo boats. Overnight English Harbor.
6. Day :
Leaving English Harbor, we cruise to the northern side of the Gulf to Oren or Akbuk in the Golf. After swimming and lunch continue to Cokertme. Overnight in Cokertme.
7. Day :
Seventh day of our trip will continue to Bodrum. After swimming stops by Oraklar and/or Ciftlik, we will decide to cruise to an near Bay or the harbor of Bodrum for the last dinner.This is your last full day on the yacht. Overnight near bay or Bodrum.
8. Day :
After Breakfast disembarkation.

2013 Price List

2013 Departure Day ( Every Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon )DBL p. PersonSNG Cabin

Includes – Excludes

▪ Prices are in EURO and are for one person in a double (DBL) or single cabin (SNG) on a
Full Board basis. (On some itinerary Half Board) .
 No children under 12 years allowed and no child discount available in any itinerary.
  • Full Board accommodation: Breakfast, lunch – afternoon tea – coffee & cookies – dinner.
  • All charter & berth taxes, Harbour & Port procedures.
  • Transit log & related formalities for the shipping agents.
  • Mooring expenses.
  • Crew service.
  • Ship water.
  • Diesel & Gasoline expenses.
  • On A/C cruises use of Air condition max. 4 hours/day.
  • Clean bed linen and bath towels on arrival (Beach towels are not provided).
  • Use of equipment on board. (Flippers, snorkel and fishing tackle etc.)
  • Yacht insurance (We advise you to take out your own individual travel insurance).
  • V.A.T.
  • On Greek Islands Itineraries;
  • Harbour taxes and mooring fees in foreign waters for the yacht.
  • All port procedures & custom expenses in foreign waters for the yacht.

  • Alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages including bottled water. These can be purchased from the bar on board. It’s not allowed to bring something from outside.
  • Optional land excursions and entrance fees to historical places and museums.
  • Individual port taxes on arrival and departure in Turkey & also Greece.
April 27, May 3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13€ 260€ 442
May 17,18,19,20,24,25,26,27,31€ 310€ 527
June 1,2,3,7,8,9,10,14,15,16,17,21,22,23,24€ 370€ 629
June 28,29,30, July 1,5,6,7,8,12,13,14,15,19,20,21,22€ 420€ 714
July 26,27,28,29, August 2,3,4,5,9,10,11,
€ 485€ 825
September 1,2,6,7,8,9€ 420€ 714
September 13,14,15,16,20,21,22,23€ 370€ 629
September 27,28,29,30, October 4,5,6,7€ 310€ 527
October 11,12,13,14,18,19,20,21,25,26,27€ 260€ 442


Bodrum-Patmos-Bodrum Weekly Cabin Charter

Bodrum-Patmos-Bodrum Cruise Itinerary

1. Day :
Welcome on board and meeting with crew. You will have a diner and spend the first night at the Marina of Bodrum.
2. Day :
After breakfast in the yacht sailing to Kos. One of the best known healing centres (Asclepion) of the ancient world is here and it is the birthplace of Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Health seekers from the entire east Mediterranean were treated at Cos. You have opportunity to see Asclepeion, Castle and Museum after lunch on board. Choice of swimming in the warm waters of Empros thermal baths on the south coast or in a nearest beach to the center. Dinner and overnight on board in the Harbor of Cos. Kos is also reputed for being one of the best party islands.
3. Day :
After the breakfast cruising to the beautiful island of Leros. A mountainous, green island with high cliffs and many small bays and villages, Leros is a popular holiday resort which still has kept most of its genuine atmosphere. One of the reasons is that it is not too dependent on tourism. Many of the buildings on the island are built in Italian style, but you’ll also find those typically Greek little white houses with blue doors and windows. Dinner and overnight on board in the Leros Marina.
4. Day :
Cruising to Patmos Island. Patmos is not a big island, but it is one of the best known. It was here St. John had his vision and wrote the apocalypse, and this is why Patmos is sometimes called “The Jerusalem of the Aegean”. The Monastery of St. Johns towers above the capital, Chora, and the whole island breathes of faith and devotion. According to mythology, Patmos was a present from Zeus to his daughter Artemis, goddess of hunting and young women. She was worshiped here in antiquity, and the monastery of St. John was built on her temple. After breakfast we may have a walk through the monasteries. Overnight and dinner in to Patmos Harbor.
5. Day :
After breakfast, departure to Kalymnos. Kalymnos is part of the Dodecasene and is lying between the islands of Kos and Leros. It is an attractive island with a population of 12000 inhabitants, which are mostly leaving in the capital and main port. Kalymnos is famous for its sponge fishing industry. Dinner and over nighting on the board in the Kalymnos Marina.
6. Day :
After Breakfast departure back to Kos. Dinner and overnighting on the board in the Kos Marina.
7. Day :
After breakfast, departure back to Turkey to Bodrum Marina. You may visit castle in here. It was built by Rhodes Knights and It is turned into one of the greatest Underwater Archeology museum of the world. Dinner and overnight on board.
8. Day :
After breakfast on board, the guests disembark in Bodrum Harbor.

2013 Price List

2013 Departure Day ( Every Sunday )DBL p. PersonSNG Cabin


Bodrum-Rhodes-Bodrum Weekly Cabin Charter

Bodrum-Rhodes-Bodrum Cruise Itinerary

1. Day :
Guests arrive in Bodrum and board the yacht. Welcome drink and information about the yacht and tour program. Dinner on board and visit town.Embarkation to the Gulet. The first overnight in Bodrum harbor provides a gentle introduction to the Gulet and your traveling companions. Dinner on Board.
2. Day :
After breakfast in the yacht sailing to Kos. One of the best known healing centres (Asclepion) of the ancient world is here and it is the birthplace of Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Health seekers from the entire east Mediterranean were treated at Cos. You have opportunity to see Asclepeion, Castle and Museum after lunch on board. Choice of swimming in the warm waters of Empros thermal baths on the south coast or in a nearest beach to the center. Dinner and overnight on board in the Harbour of Cos. Kos is also reputed for being one of the best party islands.
3. Day :
Early morning cruising to Symi Island with a swimming stop in a bay of the Island. Symi is an island that has beautiful surroundings, nice taverns and wonderful waters. The people on Symi live off tourism, fishing and some farming. Like on Kalymnos, the men also collect sponges from the coasts of North Africa. According to mythology, Symi got its name from the princess of Rhodes, who eloped here with the god Glaucus since her father the king did not approve of their marriage. Dinner on and overnight in Symi Harbor.
4. Day :
From Symi early morning start and sail to Rhodes. This is one of the best known Greek islands. It is a beautiful island, but the many years of tourism has definitely taken its toll. Everywhere in Lindos and Rhodes town you will see bars, discos, and restaurants with food from all over the world. On the one hand this might take away a bit of the “Greekness” of the island, but on the other hand you have everything you want here. Many locals are involved with tourism in one way or the other, but there is also a lot of farmers on the island. They grow grapes and keep goats. Because it is a large island, many also have “ordinary” occupations: civil servants, shopowners, office clerks etc. There is also a large military base on the island. Rhodes used to be the sungod Helios’ island. According to mythology, he had fallen in love with the nymph Rhodes, and when he shone his light on her, she transformed into the island. The name means “rose” and the island is known since antiquity as a flowery place. Rhodes is the largest island in the Dodecanese. Its capital city, located at its northern tip, is the capital of the Prefecture with the Medieval Town in its centre. In 1988 the Medieval Town was designated as a World Heritage City. The Medieval Town of Rhodes is the result of different architectures belonging to various historic eras, predominantly those of the Knights of St. John . Optional tours may be organized for an Old Town tour. The harbour town has a charming bohemian atmosphere.
5. Day :
Departing after breakfast to the Datca, while your captain doing the port formalities you may have a walk in through the city center. Datca is a friendly lively port during the daytime offering a variety of shops and a good selection of restaurants and bars along the waterfront. Departing from Datca and have a swimming stop in a bay. Dinner and overnight would be at Palamutbuku which is a lovely fishing village.
6. Day :
Early in the morning cruise to Knidos ( Cnidus ), one of the six cities of Dorian Hexapolis to see ancient theatres & Temples. Long centuries ago Knidos was a major Dorian city, celebrated for its temples, theatres, statue of Aphrodite, the world’s first observatory, and medical school.The town, renowned for its history as much as for its geography, and boasting an attractive landscape, used to have two ports; one for commercial and one for military purposes. According to the historian Strabon, the military port was large enough to hold 20 warships and its entrance used to be closed off with chains when necessary; whereas the second port to the south, the commercial port, used to have a windbreaker extending out from both sides. Knidos used to be surrounded with 15-kilometer (9-mile) city walls and had three entrance gates; two on the northern and one on the eastern wall. The acropolis was located on a hill northeast of the city. As far as is understood from the surviving ruins, the town used to have two theaters, one Odeon, two temples, a stoa, an agora, and a number of other buildings. The most interesting among them was perhaps the Temple of Aphrodite. The boat will anchor for the night in Mersincik.
7. Day :
After breakfast, departure for Karaada perhaps enjoy your last swim in crystal clear water. Overnight in the bay or Harbor of Bodrum.
8. Day :
After breakfast on board, the guests disembark in Bodrum Harbour.

2013 Price List

2013 Departure Day ( Every Sunday )DBL p. PersonSNG Cabin


Marmaris-Fethiye-Marmaris Weekly Cabin Charter

Marmaris-Fethiye-Marmaris Cruise Itinerary

1. Day :
Embarkation to the Gulet. The first overnight in Marmaris harbor provides a gentle introduction to the Gulet and your traveling companions. Dinner on Board.
2. Day :
Departure after breakfast. Sailing up to Ekincik, swimming and possibility of an optional Excursion to the Ruins of Caunos. Dinner and overnight in Ekincik.
3. Day :
Sailing up to Kizilkuyruk bay after breakfast. Lunch in this wonderful bay. Dinner and overnight in a bay amongst the islands of Tersane.
4. Day :
Sailing up Fethiye Gulf after breakfast. Swimming in the clear blue waters during the lunch. Continue to Fethiye Dinner and overnight in the city of Fethiye.
5. Day :
Sailing back to Fethiye Gulf. Swimming in the clear blue waters during the day. Five o’clock tea in Bedri Rahmi bay. Dinner and overnight.
6. Day :
After breakfast we sail to the Baba island. Relax and lunch in the beautiful bay. Later continue to bay of Sarigerme.
7. Day :
Seventh day of our trip will continue to Kadirga bay. Last opportunity for snorkeling. In the afternoon arrive back in Marmaris harbor for an visiting and shopping in town.
8. Day :
After Breakfast disembarkation.

2013 Price List

2013 Departure Day ( Every Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon )DBL p. PersonSNG Cabin


Marmaris-Datca-Marmaris Weekly Cabin Charter

Marmaris-Datca-Marmaris Cruise Itinerary

1. Day :
Boarding starts at 15:30 from Marmaris Harbor. Guests who arrive early may leave their luggage at our Office. On the first day, our boat will be anchored in Marmaris Harbor for dinner and overnight stay. Marmaris, which was built upon the antique Caria city; Physkos has been under the governorship of many different civilizations. The most valuable work-piece that you will see today is Marmaris Castle dating from 1577. There is also a mosque and an 8-room Karavansary covered with arches from the Ottoman Period. The ruins of the Antique times lie on Asar Hill; a small hill located on the northern side of the city. Being one of the best-known touristic places of Turkey Marmaris also has a large marina.
2. Day :
Whilst you have breakfast, you will be informed about the cruise itinerary and then we will set sail for the Serce Bay. A Byzantine shipwreck from 11th century which is exhibited in the Bodrum Museum was found here. The night will be spent in Bozukkale. In the ancient city of Bozukkale (Loryma), there is a castle which stretches out in a rectangle with its city walls and 9 temples. The name Bozukkale means ‘crooked castle’ and might be associated with the fact that one side of the castle is missing. Because of its geographical situation and the narrow port entrance, the port was also used by the Greek naval forces during the Peloponnese Sea Battle. Karor, the Commander of Athens gathered all his ships here before the Cnidus War in 395 B.C., and Demetrius; the son of Antigonos used this port for preparations before attacking Rhodes in 305 B.C.
3. Day :
After breakfast we will hoist sail and cruise to Datca. The city was founded by the Dors who came from Aegean Sea to the southern coast of Ionia in the 7th century B.C. The island has no humidity at all and has fresh air with plenty of oxygen. The historian Strabo has a rightful saying about Datca’s weather: “God would send his beloved servants to Datca to live longer”. According to a myth while the Spanish pirates were passing by the coast of Datca, they disembarked people with Hansen’s disease in Sariliman Bay and these abandoned people recovered from their disease with the help of the clean weather of Datca. You can explore Datca yourself or join the optional Cnidus tour. For dinner and overnight stay we will anchor in Datca or at a nearby bay.
4. Day :
After breakfast we will cruise to Aktur Bay. Then our first stop will be the Bencik Bay; which has a very narrow entrance but a unique view once you get inside. Bencik is located at the narrowest part of the peninsula that divides Hisaronu Gulf from the Gokova Gulf but it is located at Hisaronu side. In 550s B.C. the Cnidus people wanted to dig a tunnel in the narrowest land piece of the peninsula between the Hisaronu Gulf and the Gokova Gulf as a defence line against the Persians. That way they would make two peninsulas one island and the defence easier. They started with diligence and put in a lot of effort; however, in the end they could not manage and the city was conquered by the Persians. Dinner and overnight stay will be at Bencik Bay.
5. Day :
Today, we will be sailing into the Hisaronu Gulf. For lunch we will dock in Orhaniye. In Orhaniye Bay, you will see the unique scenery of a natural tidal formation called ‘kiz kumu’ (Maiden’s Beach). There are so many myths about this reddish sand-path going from the shore to the inner parts of the sea. On a tiny island located in the bay, you can see the wrecks of an antique castle, a sign of an ancient city. Today, our final destination will be Selimiye for dinner and overnight stay.
6. Day :
After anchoring in Dirsekbuku, we will go to Bozburun which is a small fishing town. This area was popular and suitable for sponge-diving but nowadays the people of the island are no more interested in sponge-diving as it is not financially beneficial and it is dangerous. In recent years sponge-diving has been replaced by gullet tourism and nowadays Bozburun Gulets could take its place in this sector.
7. Day :
Today, we start cruising early in the morning to Arap Island. Lunch will be served in Kadirga Bay. After a swimming break we return to Marmaris Port about 16:00 to have dinner and overnight stay.
8. Day :
After Breakfast disembarkation.

2013 Price List

2012 Departure Day ( Every Saturdays )DBL p. PersonSNG Cabin


Marmaris-Rhodes-Marmaris Weekly Cabin Charter

Marmaris-Rhodes-Marmaris Cruise Itinerary

1. Day :
Boarding starts at 15:30 from Marmaris Harbour. On the first day, our boat will be anchored at Marmaris Harbor for dinner and overnight stay.
2. Day :
Whilst you have a breakfast, you will be informed about the cruise itinerary and then we will set sail for the Serce Bay. A Byzantine shipwreck from the 11th century which is exhibited in the Bodrum Museum was found here. The night will be spent in Bozukkale. In the ancient city Bozukkale (Loryma), there is a castle which stretches out in a rectangle with its city walls and 9 temples. The name Bozukkale means ‘crooked castle’ and might be associated with the fact that one side of the castle is missing. Because of its geographical location and the narrow port entrance, the port was also used by the Greek naval forces during the Peloponnese Sea Battle. Karor, the Commander of Athens gathered all his ships here before the Cnidus War in 395 B.C., and Demetrius; the son of Antigonos used this port for the preparations before attacking Rhodes in 305 B.C.
3. Day :
Early in the morning we start to cruise to Bozburun which is a small fishing town. This area was popular and suitable for sponge-diving but nowadays the people of the island are no longer interested in sponge-diving as it is not financially beneficial and is dangerous. In the recent years sponge-diving has been replaced by gulet tourism. We will anchor at Dirsek Buku for lunch and swimming stop. Today, our last stop will be at Bencik Bay; which has a very narrow entrance but a unique view once you get inside. Bencik is located at the narrowest part of the peninsula that divides Hisaronu Gulf from the Gokova Gulf but it is located at Hisaronu side. In 550s B.C. the Cnidus people wanted to dig a tunnel in the narrowest land piece of the peninsula between the Hisaronu Gulf and the Gokova Gulf as a defence line against the Persians. That way they would make two peninsulas one island and the defence easier. They started with diligence and put a lot of effort; however, in the end they could not manage and the city was conquered by the Persians. Dinner and overnight stay will be at Bencik Bay.
4. Day :
Today our first stop will be Aktur Bay. After lunch and a swimming stop we will cruise to Datca. Food and water will be supplied for the boat from Datca Harbour. The city was founded by the Dors who came from Aegean Sea to the southern coast of Ionia in the 7th century B.C. The island has no humidity at all and has fresh air with plenty of oxygen. The historian Strabo has a rightful saying about Datca’s weather: “God would send his beloved servants to Datca to live longer”. According to a myth while the Spanish pirates were passing by the coast of Datca, they disembarked people with Hansen’s disease in Sariliman Bay and these abandoned people recovered from their disease with the help of the clean weather of Datca. You can explore Datca yourself or join the optional Cnidus tour. For dinner and overnight stay will be in Datca.
5. Day :
After port formalities, we will set sail for Simi Island and arrive at the Monastery of Panormitis located in the southern part of Simi. It is possible to visit the Monastery and the Museum on this well-protected and peaceful bay. After having a swimming break on the eastern shores of the island, we will anchor at the port early in the evening. You can see the shore-side with its neo-classical houses and the peripheral districts. You are going to adore Simi Island for its pine and oak forests and unique bays.
6. Day :
We will cruise to Rhodes early in the morning. Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese Islands. The island is a very popular holiday place as it has one of the best-protected and the largest European Medieval city and has warm weather 300 days of a year. Rhodes has been a home for many civilizations; starting with the knights of St.John in the Middle Ages, then Ottomans and Italians; thus the island has a unique historical harmony and beauty. The main port of Rhodes is the Rhodes City which bears the same name as the island. The other very touristic areas of Rhodes island are; Lindos and Kamiros. The city, which is still surrounded by 12 meter-thick city-walls, gives you the feeling of traveling back to Medieval times especially when you walk around its narrow, stone-paved roads. After dinner, our guests are highly recommended to enjoy a Rhodes night out.
7. Day :
After entering the Marmaris Port we will anchor at Cennet Island (Paradise Island). Swimming stop and lunch will take place here. After we anchor at Marmaris Harbor for dinner and overnight stay.
8. Day :
After Breakfast disembarkation.

2013 Price List

2012 Departure Day ( Every Saturdays )DBL p. PersonSNG Cabin

Air-conditioned Cabin Charters

Air-conditioned Cabin Charters

A/C Bodrum-Hisaronu-Bodrum

Bodrum-Hisaronu-Bodrum Weekly A/C Cabin Charter

A/C Bodrum-Hisaronu-Bodrum Cruise Itinerary

1. Day :
Boarding starts at 15:30 from Bodrum Harbor. Guests who arrive early can leave their luggage at our Office. On the first day, our boat will be anchored in Bodrum Port for dinner and overnight stay. Bodrum has a history that goes back to the 12th century B.C. The city which was called ‘Halicarnassus’ was the birthplace of Herodotus; the ‘Father of History’ who lived in the 5th century B.C. The ‘Mausoleum’ of King Mausolus (350 B.C.) which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World is in this city. The only structure that survived from the Classical Era is the Amphitheatre. It is one of the oldest theatres in Anatolia with a capacity of 13.000 guests, and is still hosting many shows and concerts for the art-lovers of Bodrum. Another place that you should visit whilst in Bodrum is the landmark of the city the ‘Castle of Saint Peter’. It is one of the best preserved pieces of architecture with a history that dates back to the Middle Ages. ‘Myndos Gate’ through which Alexander the Great entered Halicarnassus is another place that you should not miss.
2. Day :
Early in the morning we start cruise to Palamutbuku Bay. We will anchor in Ince Burun after lunch and swimming breaks. We will stay in this lovely bay for dinner and overnight stay.
3. Day :
After breakfast we will cruise to Aktur Bay. Then our first stop will be the Bencik Bay; which has a very narrow entrance but a unique view once you get inside. Bencik is located at the narrowest part of the peninsula that divides Hisaronu Gulf from the Gokova Gulf but it is located at Hisaronu side. In 550s B.C. the Cnidus people wanted to dig a tunnel in the narrowest land piece of the peninsula between the Hisaronu Gulf and the Gokova Gulf as a defence line against the Persians. That way they would make two peninsulas one island and the defence easier. They started with diligence and put a lot of effort; however, in the end they could not manage and the city was conquered by the Persians. Dinner and overnight stay will be at Bencik Bay.
4. Day :
After Breakfast we will anchor at Emel Sayin Bay and you can enjoy a swimming stop in this lovely bay. For lunch we will dock in Orhaniye. In Orhaniye Bay, you will see unique scenery of a natural tidal formation called ‘kiz kumu’ (Maiden’s Beach). There are so many myths about this reddish sand-path going from the shore to the inner parts of the sea. On a tiny island located in the bay, you can see the wrecks of an antique castle, a sign of an ancient city. Today, our final destination will be Selimiye for dinner and overnight stay.
5. Day :
After anchoring in Dirsekbuku and taking a swimming stop, we will go to Bozburun which is a small fishing town. This area was popular and suitable for sponge-diving but nowadays the people of the island are no more interested in sponge-diving as it is not financially beneficial and is dangerous. In recent years sponge-diving is replaced by gulet tourism and Bozburun Gulets nowadays could take its place in this sector.
6. Day :
We will cruise to Datca. Food and water will be supplied to the boat from Datca Harbor. The city was founded by the Dors who came from Aegean Sea to the southern coast of Ionia in the 7th century B.C. The island has no humidity at all and has fresh air with plenty of oxygen. The historian Strabo has a rightful saying about Datca’s weather: “God would send his beloved servants to Datca to live longer”. According to a myth while the Spanish pirates were passing by the coast of Datca, they disembarked people with Hansen’s disease in Sariliman Bay and these abandoned people recovered from their disease with the help of the clean weather of Datca. You may take a walk in Datca Harbor. We will cruise to Cnidus for dinner and overnight stay. Cnidus was a developed city in science, art and architecture. Eudoxos, a very popular astronomer and maths professor; Dr. Euryphon; Polygontos, a popular painter; Skopas and Bryaksis of Faros, the most famous sculptors of the era; Sostrates, the architect of Alexandrian light house -one of the seven wonders of the World-and Ktesias the doctor who saved the life of a Persian king from a disaster lived on this island. Dr. Euryphon and his students founded the second largest medical sciences school in the Cnidus. The island also homes the largest sun clock of its time which was erected by Eudoksos. Cnidus was the home for Aphrodite’s monument and at those times the city was famous for brothels and became popular for sailors and Arabic tradesmen. You may take a walk on the shore to see the ruins.
7. Day :
We cruise early in the morning to Karaada (Black Island). Breakfast and swimming stop will be at Poyraz Bay which is located at the northern side of the island. This is such a nice bay with its turquoise-blue waters. We will be anchoring at Meteor Bay for lunch which is located at the southern side of the island. There is a meteor hole here and this is how the bay got its name. Here you may jump over the platform in to the deep water. You may also take a walk through the under water cave which is very near to Meteor Bay for a small local fee. We will dock in Bodrum Harbor for dinner and overnight stay.
8. Day :
After Breakfast disembarkation.

2013 Price List

2013 Departure Days ( every Sundays )DBL p. PersonSNG Cabin

A/C Bodrum-Patmos-Bodrum

Bodrum-Patmos-Bodrum Weekly A/C Cabin Charter

A/C Bodrum-Patmos-Bodrum Cruise Itinerary

1. Day :
Welcome on board and meeting with crew. You will have a diner and spend the first night at the Marina of Bodrum.
2. Day :
After breakfast in the yacht sailing to Kos. One of the best known healing centres (Asclepion) of the ancient world is here and it is the birthplace of Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Health seekers from the entire east Mediterranean were treated at Cos. You have opportunity to see Asclepeion, Castle and Museum after lunch on board. Choice of swimming in the warm waters of Empros thermal baths on the south coast or in a nearest beach to the center. Dinner and overnight on board in the Harbor of Cos. Kos is also reputed for being one of the best party islands.
3. Day :
After the breakfast cruising to the beautiful island of Leros. A mountainous, green island with high cliffs and many small bays and villages, Leros is a popular holiday resort which still has kept most of its genuine atmosphere. One of the reasons is that it is not too dependent on tourism. Many of the buildings on the island are built in Italian style, but you’ll also find those typically Greek little white houses with blue doors and windows. Dinner and overnight on board in the Leros Marina.
4. Day :
Cruising to Patmos Island. Patmos is not a big island, but it is one of the best known. It was here St. John had his vision and wrote the apocalypse, and this is why Patmos is sometimes called “The Jerusalem of the Aegean”. The Monastery of St. Johns towers above the capital, Chora, and the whole island breathes of faith and devotion. According to mythology, Patmos was a present from Zeus to his daughter Artemis, goddess of hunting and young women. She was worshiped here in antiquity, and the monastery of St. John was built on her temple. After breakfast we may have a walk through the monasteries. Overnight and dinner in to Patmos Harbor.
5. Day :
After breakfast, departure to Kalymnos. Kalymnos is part of the Dodecasene and is lying between the islands of Kos and Leros. It is an attractive island with a population of 12000 inhabitants, which are mostly leaving in the capital and main port. Kalymnos is famous for its sponge fishing industry. Dinner and over nighting on the board in the Kalymnos Marina.
6. Day :
After Breakfast departure back to Kos. Dinner and overnighting on the board in the Kos Marina.
7. Day :
After breakfast, departure back to Turkey to Bodrum Marina. You may visit castle in here. It was built by Rhodes Knights and It is turned into one of the greatest Underwater Archeology museum of the world. Dinner and overnight on board.
8. Day :
After breakfast on board, the guests disembark in Bodrum Harbor.

2013 Price List

2013 Departure Days ( every Sundays )DBL p. PersonSNG Cabin

A/C Bodrum-Rhodes-Bodrum

Bodrum-Rhodes-Bodrum Weekly A/C Cabin Charter

A/C Bodrum-Rhodes-Bodrum Cruise Itinerary

1. Day :
Guests arrive in Bodrum and board the yacht. Welcome drink and information about the yacht and tour program. Dinner on board and visit town.Embarkation to the Gulet. The first overnight in Bodrum harbor provides a gentle introduction to the Gulet and your traveling companions. Dinner on Board.
2. Day :
After breakfast in the yacht sailing to Kos. One of the best known healing centres (Asclepion) of the ancient world is here and it is the birthplace of Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Health seekers from the entire east Mediterranean were treated at Cos. You have opportunity to see Asclepeion, Castle and Museum after lunch on board. Choice of swimming in the warm waters of Empros thermal baths on the south coast or in a nearest beach to the center. Dinner and overnight on board in the Harbour of Cos. Kos is also reputed for being one of the best party islands.
3. Day :
Early morning cruising to Symi Island with a swimming stop in a bay of the Island. Symi is an island that has beautiful surroundings, nice taverns and wonderful waters. The people on Symi live off tourism, fishing and some farming. Like on Kalymnos, the men also collect sponges from the coasts of North Africa. According to mythology, Symi got its name from the princess of Rhodes, who eloped here with the god Glaucus since her father the king did not approve of their marriage. Dinner on and overnight in Symi Harbor.
4. Day :
From Symi early morning start and sail to Rhodes. This is one of the best known Greek islands. It is a beautiful island, but the many years of tourism has definitely taken its toll. Everywhere in Lindos and Rhodes town you will see bars, discos, and restaurants with food from all over the world. On the one hand this might take away a bit of the “Greekness” of the island, but on the other hand you have everything you want here. Many locals are involved with tourism in one way or the other, but there is also a lot of farmers on the island. They grow grapes and keep goats. Because it is a large island, many also have “ordinary” occupations: civil servants, shopowners, office clerks etc. There is also a large military base on the island. Rhodes used to be the sungod Helios’ island. According to mythology, he had fallen in love with the nymph Rhodes, and when he shone his light on her, she transformed into the island. The name means “rose” and the island is known since antiquity as a flowery place. Rhodes is the largest island in the Dodecanese. Its capital city, located at its northern tip, is the capital of the Prefecture with the Medieval Town in its centre. In 1988 the Medieval Town was designated as a World Heritage City. The Medieval Town of Rhodes is the result of different architectures belonging to various historic eras, predominantly those of the Knights of St. John . Optional tours may be organized for an Old Town tour. The harbour town has a charming bohemian atmosphere.
5. Day :
Departing after breakfast to the Datca, while your captain doing the port formalities you may have a walk in through the city center. Datca is a friendly lively port during the daytime offering a variety of shops and a good selection of restaurants and bars along the waterfront. Departing from Datca and have a swimming stop in a bay. Dinner and overnight would be at Palamutbuku which is a lovely fishing village.
6. Day :
Early in the morning cruise to Knidos ( Cnidus ), one of the six cities of Dorian Hexapolis to see ancient theatres & Temples. Long centuries ago Knidos was a major Dorian city, celebrated for its temples, theatres, statue of Aphrodite, the world’s first observatory, and medical school.The town, renowned for its history as much as for its geography, and boasting an attractive landscape, used to have two ports; one for commercial and one for military purposes. According to the historian Strabon, the military port was large enough to hold 20 warships and its entrance used to be closed off with chains when necessary; whereas the second port to the south, the commercial port, used to have a windbreaker extending out from both sides. Knidos used to be surrounded with 15-kilometer (9-mile) city walls and had three entrance gates; two on the northern and one on the eastern wall. The acropolis was located on a hill northeast of the city. As far as is understood from the surviving ruins, the town used to have two theaters, one Odeon, two temples, a stoa, an agora, and a number of other buildings. The most interesting among them was perhaps the Temple of Aphrodite. The boat will anchor for the night in Mersincik.
7. Day :
After breakfast, departure for Karaada perhaps enjoy your last swim in crystal clear water. Overnight in the bay or Harbor of Bodrum.
8. Day :
After breakfast on board, the guests disembark in Bodrum Harbour.

2013 Price List

2013 Departure Days ( every Sundays )DBL p. PersonSNG Cabin

Includes – Excludes

▪ Prices are in EURO and are for one person in a double (DBL) or single cabin (SNG) on a
Full Board basis. (On some itinerary Half Board) .
 No children under 12 years allowed and no child discount available in any itinerary.
  • Full Board accommodation: Breakfast, lunch – afternoon tea – coffee & cookies – dinner.
  • All charter & berth taxes, Harbour & Port procedures.
  • Transit log & related formalities for the shipping agents.
  • Mooring expenses.
  • Crew service.
  • Ship water.
  • Diesel & Gasoline expenses.
  • On A/C cruises use of Air condition max. 4 hours/day.
  • Clean bed linen and bath towels on arrival (Beach towels are not provided).
  • Use of equipment on board. (Flippers, snorkel and fishing tackle etc.)
  • Yacht insurance (We advise you to take out your own individual travel insurance).
  • V.A.T.
  • On Greek Islands Itineraries;
  • Harbour taxes and mooring fees in foreign waters for the yacht.
  • All port procedures & custom expenses in foreign waters for the yacht.

  • Alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages including bottled water. These can be purchased from the bar on board. It’s not allowed to bring something from outside.
  • Optional land excursions and entrance fees to historical places and museums.
  • Individual port taxes on arrival and departure in Turkey & also Greece.

    Technical Specifications of the Air-conditioned Gulet

    General Technical Specifications of an Air-conditioned Gulet used on Cabin Charter Cruises
    L.O.A. : 20m.-29m.
    CABIN : 5 – 6 – 8 – 9
    WIDTH : 5m.-8m.
    SHOWER-WC : In each cabin
    A/C : In each cabin
    ENGINE : 240 hp-480 hp
    SAILS : Standard
    TYPE : Gullet or Ketch
    ELECTRICITY : 12 Volt (220 Volt in the harbours)
    * In each Gulet :
    VHF,tape recorder, fishing equipments,masks,snorkels,flippers are available.
    * In each Cabin:
    Air-condition, shower and wc,a small wordrop,window and a double bed,1 towel for face,1 towel for bath,blanket and sheets for two people are available.
    * The air-condition will be provided min. 3-4hrs a day. Mostly between 7pm until 11pm.
    * There are 3 or 4 crew working onboard depending on the capacity of the yachts.
    * Depending on the number of the people, all the security equipments are available on the yachts(Life jackets,fiber boat and engine for the boat).
    * The transfers of the clients are done up to the gate of the harbour then the clients will have to walk between 50 to 100 meters because the gate of the harbour is closed on the certain times.For the return transfer details are also given to the clients by us.
    * There is a bar on every yacht.Soft and alcoholic drinks can be provided by the bar.Price list of the drinks is on the bar and payment for the drinks can be done to the captain.

    Technical Specifications of the Standard Gulet

    General Technical Specifications of an Standard Gulet used on Cabin Charter Cruises
    L.O.A. : 19m.-26m.
    CABIN : 6 – 8
    WIDTH : 5m.-8m.
    SHOWER-WC : In each cabin
    ENGINE : 240 hp-480 hp
    SAILS : Standart
    TYPE : Gullet or Ketch
    ELECTRICITY : 12 Volt (220 Volt in the harbours)
    * In each Gulet :
    VHF,tape recorder, fishing equipments,masks,snorkels,flippers are available.
    * In each Cabin:
    Shower and wc,a small wordrop,window and a double bed,1 towel for face,1 towel for bath,blanket and sheets for two people are available.
    * There are 3 or 4 crew working onboard depending on the capacity of the yachts.
    * Depending on the number of the people, all the security equipments are available on the yachts(Life jackets,fiber boat and engine for the boat).
    * The transfers of the clients are done up to the gate of the harbour then the clients will have to walk between 50 to 100 meters because the gate of the harbour is closed on the certain times.For the return transfer details are also given to the clients by us.
    * There is a bar on every yacht.Soft and alcoholic drinks can be provided by the bar.Price list of the drinks is on the bar and payment for the drinks can be done to the captain.

June 2, 9, 16, 23€ 640€ 1.024
June 30, July 7, 14, 21€ 750€ 1.200
July 28, August 4, 11, 18, 25€ 850€ 1.360
September 1, 8€ 750€ 1.200
September 15€ 640€ 1.024
June 2, 9, 16, 23€ 640€ 1.024
June 30, July 7, 14, 21€ 750€ 1.200
July 28, August 4, 11, 18, 25€ 850€ 1.360
September 1, 8€ 750€ 1.200
September 15€ 640€ 1.024

June 2, 9, 16, 23€ 570€ 912
June 30, July 7, 14, 21€ 650€ 1.040
July 28, August 4, 11, 18, 25€ 750€ 1.200
September 1, 8€ 650€ 1.040
September 15€ 570€ 912

Air-conditioned Cabin Charters

May 11, 18€ 370€ 629
May 25, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29€ 485€ 825
July 6, 13, 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31€ 615€ 1.046
September 7, 14, 21€ 485€ 825
September 28, October 5€ 370€ 629
May 11, 18€ 295€ 502
May 25, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29€ 400€ 680
July 6, 13, 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31€ 485€ 825
September 7, 14, 21€ 400€ 680
September 28, October 5€ 295€ 502
April 27, May 3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13,17€ 260€ 442
May 18,19,20,24,25,26,27,31€ 310€ 527
June 1,2,3,7,8,9,10,14,15,16,17,21,22,23,24,28€ 370€ 629
June 29,30, July 1,5,6,7,8,12,13,14,15,19,20,21,22,26€ 420€ 714
July 27,28,29,
August 2,3,4,5,9,10,11,12,16,17,18,19,23,24,25,26,30,31
€ 485€ 825
September 1,2,6,7,8,9,13€ 420€ 714
September 14,15,16,20,21,22,23,27€ 370€ 629
September 28,29,30, October 4,5,6,7,11€ 310€ 527
October 12,13,14,18,19,20,21,25,26,27€ 260€ 442
May 19, 26€ 430€ 731
June 2, 9, 16, 23€ 490€ 833
June 30, July 7, 14, 21€ 575€ 978
July 28, August 4, 11, 18, 25€ 660€ 1.122
September 1, 8€ 575€ 978
September 15, 22€ 490€ 833
September 29, October 6€ 430€ 731

May 19, 26€ 430€ 731
June 2, 9, 16, 23€ 490€ 833
June 30, July 7, 14, 21€ 575€ 978
July 28, August 4, 11, 18, 25€ 660€ 1.122
September 1, 8€ 575€ 978
September 15, 22€ 490€ 833
September 29, October 6

Includes – Excludes

▪ Prices are in EURO and are for one person in a double (DBL) or single cabin (SNG) on a
Full Board basis. (On some itinerary Half Board) .
 No children under 12 years allowed and no child discount available in any itinerary.
  • Full Board accommodation: Breakfast, lunch – afternoon tea – coffee & cookies – dinner.
  • All charter & berth taxes, Harbour & Port procedures.
  • Transit log & related formalities for the shipping agents.
  • Mooring expenses.
  • Crew service.
  • Ship water.
  • Diesel & Gasoline expenses.
  • On A/C cruises use of Air condition max. 4 hours/day.
  • Clean bed linen and bath towels on arrival (Beach towels are not provided).
  • Use of equipment on board. (Flippers, snorkel and fishing tackle etc.)
  • Yacht insurance (We advise you to take out your own individual travel insurance).
  • V.A.T.
  • On Greek Islands Itineraries;
  • Harbour taxes and mooring fees in foreign waters for the yacht.
  • All port procedures & custom expenses in foreign waters for the yacht.

  • Alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages including bottled water. These can be purchased from the bar on board. It’s not allowed to bring something from outside.
  • Optional land excursions and entrance fees to historical places and museums.
  • Individual port taxes on arrival and departure in Turkey & also Greece.
€ 430€ 731